are non-intersecting closed arcs on the unit circle T then their union E is called rational if all harmonic measures ν E (e j ) at ∞ are rational. It is known that the essential support supp ess (σ ) of a periodic measure σ (i.e. the Verblunsky parameters of σ are periodic) is rational and any rational E is a rotation of supp ess (σ ) for a periodic σ . Elementary proofs of these facts are given. The Schur function f of a periodic σ satisfies z A * f 2where the pair (A, B) of polynomials in z is called a Wall pair for σ . Then supp ess (σ ) = {t ∈ T : |b + (t)| 2 4ω}, b + = B + z B * , ω = C(E) 2 deg(b + ) , C(E) being the logarithmic capacity of E. For any monic b with roots on T, b * = b, and ω satisfying 0 < 4ω m 2 b , where m b is the smallest local maximum of |b| on T, there is a Wall pair (A, B) such that b = B + z B * and supp ess (σ ) = {t ∈ T : |b(t)| 2 4ω} for any periodic σ corresponding to (A, B). The solutions to the equation b = B + z B * in B related to Wall pairs are described. As a consequence we obtain the inverse Bernstein inequality for a separable polynomial b with roots on T: inf T |b | 0.5 · m b · deg(b). The inequality is precise. A complete description of essential supports of periodic measures is also given in terms of the phases of Akhiezer's multi-valued analytic function as well as separable monic polynomials related to it with roots on T.