This paper belongs to the field of theories of the Policy process and contributes to the literature on the multiple streams approach (MSA), by investigating bricolage as an alternative type of agency in agenda‐setting and policy formulation. The bricoleur frames conditions as a problem that can and must be fixed and emerges as the one who looks for a solution. For the bricoleur outcome goals, or rather, the choice of a particular outcome is less important than the process goal. Therefore, the bricoleur selects policy ideas depending on the properties they display and combines them to create the best “fit” to couple the streams. Bricolage relates to the organizational properties of certain actors, in this case the European Commission. Evidence comes from the case of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and its origins, created in the aftermath of the severe acute respiratory syndrome crisis. I will demonstrate that the crisis did not trigger the creation of the ECDC but rather was framed as a salient issue to be resolved by the Commission. The process of policy formulation that followed resulted in a bespoke solution. As such, this paper contributes to the development of the MSA but also to the literature on ideational politics and European agencies.