The article’s aim is to analyze the distance learning peculiarities in the professional training of the specialty “Information, library, and archive management” based on the European experience. Methodology. For the revelation of the problematic the systematic method, comparative analysis, abstraction, and dialectical method were used. The results evaluated the experience of European universities in the implementation of relevant educational programs, namely the British, French, Spanish practices were analyzed. Since 2007 the European Union has been funding research to explore the best models for organizing distance education. Many universities have integrated library, information, and archival specialties, inspired by the British experience. Training in these fields focuses on equipping students with competencies that are applicable across these professions. While the UK's digitalization and information infrastructure are advanced, other countries can still benefit from adopting their experience, formalized in a national standard. France and Spain have also given significant attention to the issue of distance learning. Spain, for instance, has been diligently preparing for the introduction of distance learning since 2010. The practical significance and novelty of the research lies in its potential to offer valuable insights into the best practices and approaches adopted by EU in organizing distance learning for these professions. Other nations and regions can learn from these experiences. In conclusions it is shown, that across all European Union countries, there has been a common emphasis on ensuring both teachers and students possess digital competence, a critical element in organizing training for information, archiving, and librarianship.