Nearly all human gliomas exhibit alterations in one of three genetic loci governing G 1 arrest: INK4a-ARF, CDK4, or RB. To discern the roles of CDK4 amplification and INK4a-ARF loss in gliomagenesis, we compared the behavior of astrocytes lacking a functional INK4a-ARF locus with astrocytes overexpressing CDK4. Either a deficiency of p16 INK4a and p19 ARF or an increase in Cdk4 allows cultured astrocytes to grow without senescence. Astrocytes overexpressing CDK4 grow more slowly than INK4a-ARF-deficient astrocytes and convert to a tetraploid state at high efficiency; in contrast, INK4a-ARF-deficient cells remain pseudodiploid, consistent with properties observed in human gliomas with corresponding lesions in these genes. Received July 20, 1998; revised version accepted October 14, 1998. Over half of high-grade human gliomas lack a functional INK4a-ARF locus (Jen et al. 1994;Schmidt et al. 1994) and hence can produce neither p16 INK4a nor p19 ARF , the two proteins encoded by this locus (Quelle et al. 1995). Most of the remaining gliomas either lack the RB gene or demonstrate a 10-to 100-fold amplification of the CDK4 locus (He et al. 1994(He et al. , 1995Ichimura et al. 1996). We are developing animal models for gliomagenesis in hopes of understanding these patterns and discerning the contributions made to tumor formation by each abnormality . We have taken advantage of two genetic alterations in mice: disruption of the INK4a-ARF locus by targeted mutation (Serrano et al. 1996) and astrocyte-specific expression of a transgene encoding TVA, the receptor for subgroup A avian leukosis viruses (ALV) (Holland and Varmus 1998). Production of TVA molecules by these cells makes them susceptible to infection by RCAS vectors carrying coding domains for CDK4 and other genes .We have used this gene transfer system to investigate the effects of INK4a-ARF loss and CDK4 overexpression in astrocyte cell culture and to determine whether similarities exist between the cultured cells and human gliomas with similar abnormalities.
Results and Discussion
Loss of INK4a-ARF and overexpression of CDK4 both immortalize astrocyte culturesTo compare the growth properties of INK4a-ARF-deficient and CDK4-overexpressing astrocytes, we subjected appropriately selected cultures to repeated passage at standard density and counted the number of cells at each passage. Astrocytes overexpressing CDK4 were prepared by infecting primary brain cultures from Gtv-a mice [carrying a tv-a transgene under the control of the astrocytespecific glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) promoter] with an RCAS vector carrying the human CDK4 cDNA (RCAS-cdk4). Cultures of INK4a-ARF-deficient astrocytes were prepared by infecting primary brain cell cultures from Gtv-a transgenic; INK4a-ARF −/− mice with an RCAS vector bearing the puro-R gene (RCAS-puro) ) and selecting for resistance to puromycin. Parallel cultures were prepared by infecting brain cells from Gtv-a transgenic mice with RCAS vectors carrying the alkaline phosphatase (AP) or the basic fibroblast grow...