Introduction. Satisfaction of patients with nursing care is an important, subjective indicator of the quality of relational care, conditioned by the level of care provided and individual patient perception of care. The project adopted a compensation model for the satisfaction of patients with care. Aim. The aim of the work is to present what dimension of satisfaction from nursing is dominant among patients with lumbar spine pain syndrome and to determine whether their assessment depends on the severity of functional consequences of pain. Material and Methods. The research was performed using the diagnostic survey method and the survey technique. The research tools allowing for the collection of information were: Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scale -NSNS and Visual Analog Scale by Barbara Headley. In addition, an original questionnaire was developed by the authors, taking into account medical and socio-demographic variables. The research was carried out from January to October 2017 among 205 patients of two neurosurgical clinics. The selection of patients for the research was purposeful. The project received a positive opinion of the Bioethics Committee at the Medical University in Lublin. Statistical analysis was performed using, among others, multivariate analysis of MANOVA variance in a mixed scheme. Results. In the assessment of patients with lumbar spine pain syndrome, the dominant dimension of satisfaction with nursing is the positive experience from the nursing care received at the ward (M = 5.66, SD = 0.56), and satisfaction with the care received is at a statistically significantly lower level (M = 3.05, SD = 0.48). The overall satisfaction with nursing is highest in patients displaying low (M = 4.40, SD = 0.49) and high (M = 4.43, SD = 0.53) functional consequences of pain. Conclusions. The results of the research compiled in the context of the compensatory satisfaction model indicate that patients formulating an opinion in terms of satisfaction with nursing are based on an objective assessment, i.e.: experienced care events. (JNNN 2019;8(1):4-10) Key Words: satisfaction with nursing care, functional consequences of pain, patients, neurosurgery
StreszczenieWstęp. Satysfakcja pacjentów z opieki pielęgniarskiej to istotny, subiektywny wskaźnik jakości opieki o charakterze relacyjnym, uwarunkowany poziomem świadczonej opieki oraz indywidualną jej percepcją przez pacjentów. W projekcie przyjęto model kompensacyjny satysfakcji pacjentów z opieki.