As part of a validating process, tests and indices for dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints and masticatory muscles were compared and correlated in 211 persons with an almost complete or complete natural dentition. Helkimo's Clinical Dysfunction Index (CDI), the Mandibular Dysfunction Symptoms (MDS) scale from the "Erweiterter Giessener Beschwerdebogen", the Modified Half-Minute (MHM) test and the palpation test for the stomatognathic system (PALP-test) were compared. The PALP-test had the highest internal consistency (coefficient alpha = 0.92) and the highest intercorrelation with the CDI. Furthermore, it was found that the PALP-test and the CDI probably yield the most realistic distribution of persons in the three classes no symptoms, mild to moderate and severe, and also show the highest percentage of absolute correspondence. The MDS-scale and MHM-test scores showed little dispersion and probably indicated too much or too little pathology. The correspondence between the last two measures is mainly due to an overrepresentation of the middle scoring class (mild to moderate indication of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints and masticatory muscles). In screening procedures this can easily result in an overrepresentation of people with supposed pathology.