guidance, ideas and feedback. I wish to thank PhD students from our AEAR group Leonid Sedov, Henrik Hardell and Lucie Smetanova for all their help and wonderful collaboration.I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my other co-authors: Xavier Prats (UPC), Raúl Sáez (UPC), Billy Josefsson (LFV), Eulalia Hernández-Romero (LIU), Christiane Schmidt (LIU), Karim Zeghal (EUROCONTROL Innovation Hub) for all the comments and suggestions during our collaborative work.Thanks to all my colleagues in the division of KTS for an excellent working environment.This research was funded by SESAR JU under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 783287 and supported by the Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen) and in-kind participation of LFV.I am grateful to SESAR JU also for the educational support in form of three summer schools, thematic challenge workshops and all the materials available through EngageWiki.Finally, and most importantly, my thanks go out to my family for their patience and motivation they gave me.