Many programs are available for the Macintosh that provide advanced visualization tools. Some of the tools are individual applications, and some are part of mathematical packages. This paper reviews the capabilities, functionality, and ease of use of visualization tools within six software packages: Mathematica, Spyglass Transform/View, Spyglass Dicer, JMP, MacSpin, and SYSTAT.Advances in computer processor technology have brought mainframe and workstation processing capabilities to the personal computer. These advances put the tools of scientific visualization within the reach of many researchers who would have previously needed access to supercomputer facilities and a degree in graphics programming. The Macintosh has been an especially receptive platform for visualization techniques, primarily due to its graphical user interface and standardized programming guidelines. Since the basic operating procedures are consistent across different applications, users can rapidly learn how to use new programs.Many programs have appeared for the Macintosh that offer advanced visualization tools, either as individual applications or as parts oflarger statistical packages. In the present paper, we review the capabilities, functionality, and ease of use of six of these software packages: Mathematica, Spyglass Transform/View, Spyglass Dicer, JMP, MacSpin, and SYSTAT. There are many programs with features that overlap those discussed here; these programs were chosen to serve as representative samples of currently available software.JMP and SYSTAT represent essentially two examples of the statistical processing software domain, with JMP providing most of the necessary statistical tests and graphics and SYSTAT providing the complete gamut of statisNote-The authors used personal copies of Mathematica and MacSpin. They wish to thank SAS Institute, Inc., Spyglass, Inc., and SYS-TAT, Inc., for providing evaluation copies of their software. Correspondence should beaddressed to Frank M. Marchak, TASC, 55 Walkers Brook Drive, Reading, MA 01867. tical and graphical capabilities, presented in slightly different formats. MacSpin was one of the first visualization packages for the Macintosh, and until recently, the only one that provided three-dimensional (3-D) rotation. Mathematica is principally a mathematical processing program that allows one to generate graphical representations of functions and processes. Transform and View provide the only real raster graphics representational ability in this domain, and Dicer is the only true volumetric rendering software available outside the workstation environment. Together, these programs present a cross section of the capabilities available for the Macintosh, with each approaching the problem in a slightly different manner.
EVALUAnON PROCESSSeveral approaches are appropriate in a review of software packages. One would be a rigorous, quantitative evaluation-a strict comparison of the programs in terms of their performance over a baseline set of tasks. Roberts and Moran (1983) developed such a me...