A single (marginal) dose of 20 Gy is a reasonable choice that balances the effect on the treated lesion (local control, partial remission) against the risk of late side effects (radionecrosis). Higher doses (22-25 Gy) may be used for smaller (< 1 cm) lesions, while a dose reduction to 18 Gy may be necessary for lesions greater than 2.5-3 cm. As the infiltration zone of the brain metastases is usually small, the GTV-CTV (gross tumor volume-clinical target volume) margin should be in the range of 0-1 mm. The CTV-PTV (planning target volume) margin depends on the treatment technique and should lie in the range of 0-2 mm. Distant brain recurrences fulfilling the aforementioned criteria can be treated with SRS irrespective of previous WBRT.