The aim of this article is to encourage a greater emphasis on creativity across and between varied fields of endeavour. It has been written to underline the interdisciplinary significance of creativity and the role of creativity in truly enhancing achievement. There is a reinvigorated awareness of the need for ‘big thinking’, a global concern that the Australian Government (April 2008) profiled in its 2020 Summit. Essentially, ‘big thinking’ involves being a connection-maker together with being a creative problem-finder and problem-solver. It is imagination and originality valued within a social context. While welcoming and exploring the powerful vision of the 2020 summit, the article also aims to encourage its application to daily life. While creativity is included as one of the ‘General Capabilities’ in the new National Curriculum for Australia (ACARA, 2010), it needs to be kept in focus to ensure that creativity is pervasive throughout the curriculum, and not just an ‘add-on’ activity.