The Hadamard maximal determinant problem asks for the largest n × n determinant with entries ±1. When n ≡ 1(mod 4), the maximal excess construction of Farmakis and Kounias [The excess of Hadamard matrices and optimal designs, Discrete Math. 67 (1987) 165-176] produces many large (though seldom maximal) determinants. For certain small n, still larger determinants have been known; e.g., see [W.P. Orrick, B. Solomon, R. Dowdeswell, W.D. Smith, New lower bounds for the maximal determinant problem, arXiv preprint math.CO/0304410]. Here, we define "3-normalized" n × n Hadamard matrices, and construct large (n + 1) × (n + 1) determinants from them. Our constructions give most of the previous "small n" records, and set new records when n = 37, 49, 65, 73, 77, 85, 89, 93, 97, and 101, most of which exceed the reach of the maximal excess technique. We suspect that our n = 37 determinant, 72 × 9 17 × 2 36 is best possible.