The flash intensity of the ZnS-Cu phosphor induced by external dc field applied after excitation with ultraviolet light (Gudden-Pohl effect) is investigated. A method is used, which enables to study the temperature dependence of flash intensity for different applied voltages conditioned by centres of certain depth. The results are compared with the electron tunneling probability from the centre to the conduction band under phonon participation obtained in the paper. Mcmeaosanmb B C~~I U I K H nmMmiecueHmtr, nonysaeMbre n p~ HaaoweHm 3JIeKTpHW?CHOrO nOJlR Ha BO36ymReHHbIfi yJlbTpa@KOJleTOBbIM CBeTOM ZnS-CU JlIOMLIHO@Op (3(P@eHT fyJIIleHa-nOJIrl). npHMeHrlJIaCb MeTOABKa, nO3BOJIfiIOolqaJl E13JWklTb TeMlIepaTypHyIO 3aBACHMOCTb 3(P(PeKTa, 06yCJIOBJIeHHOrO UeHTpaMFi Pe3YJIbTaTbI CPaBHHBaH)TCfi C BePOrlTHOCTbH) T~KHeJIPSpOBaHHH 3JIeKTPOHOB C yW3CTMeM (POHOHOB 113 UeHTpa B 30HY IIPOBORRMOCTB , n0JIy~IeHHofi B HaCToRulefi onpeaenemoi4 rJIY6kiHb1, npFi p a 3 n~r~b 1 x HanpHmeHmx npmoHceHHoro IIOJIH.pa6ol.e.