Article OutlineGlossary and Notation I. Definition of the Subject and its Importance II. Strategies, Payoffs, Value and Equilibria III. The standard model of Aumann and Maschler IV. Vector Payoffs and Approachability V. Zero-sum games with lack of information on both sides VI. Non zero-sum games with lack of information on one side VII. Non-observable actions VIII. Miscellaneous IX. Future directions X. Bibliography
Glossary and NotationRepeated game with incomplete information: a situation where several players repeat the same stage game, the players having different knowledge of the stage game which is repeated. Strategy of a player: a rule, or program, describing the action taken by the player in any possible case which may happen. Strategy profile: a vector containing a strategy for each player. Lack of information on one side: particular case where all the players but one perfectly know the stage game which is repeated. Zero-sum games: 2-player games where the players have opposite payoffs. Value: Solution (or price) of a zero-sum game, in the sense of the fair amount that player 1 should give to player 2 to be entitled to play the game. Equilibrium: Strategy profile where each player's strategy is in best reply against the strategy of the other players. Completely revealing strategy: strategy of a player which eventually reveals to the other players everything known by this player on the selected state. Non revealing strategy: strategy of a player which reveals nothing on the selected state.
1The simplex of probabilities over a finite set: for a finite set S, we denote by ∆(S) the set of probabilities over S, and we identify ∆(S) to {p = (p s ) s∈S ∈ IR S , ∀s ∈ S p s ≥ 0 and s∈S p s = 1}. Given s in S, the Dirac measure on s will be denoted by δ s . For p = (p s ) s∈S and q = (q s ) s∈S in IR S , we will use, unless otherwise specified, p − q = s∈S |p s − q s |.
I. Definition of the Subject and its Importance
IntroductionIn a repeated game with incomplete information, there is a basic interaction called stage game which is repeated over and over by several participants called players. The point is that the players do not perfectly know the stage game which is repeated, but rather have different knowledge about it. As illustrative examples, one may think of the following situations: an oligopolistic competition where firms don't know the production costs of their opponents, a financial market where traders bargain over units of an asset which terminal value is imperfectly known, a cryptographic model where some participants want to transmit some information (e.g., a credit card number) without being understood by other participants, a conflict when a particular side may be able to understand the communications inside the opponent side (or might have a particular type of weapons),... Natural questions arising in this context are as follows. What is the optimal behavior of a player with a perfect knowledge of the stage game ? Can we determine which part of the information such a player should use ? Can we p...