The various s~s tcm s of meas ur~mcnt , with t heir respective sets of units, uscd in the IJtera~ure on electflCltr and magn~tl s m .are desc.ribed. in detail. Their historical d evelop-m~nt IS sUlll!llan zed. rhe lll~nner I~ whlCh each IS deflved from either of the two alternative P,Oll1ts o.f v I.e:, of t he eXl?e!'lmentahst .and t he theoretician is compar ed and contrast ed. 1: he desl rablltty of ~•ecogl1l. z111g bot.h po~nts ?f view in international standardization , particularly when d ISCUSSll:g ratlOnahzatlOn, IS pomted out. The present status of the absolu t e measurements on which. all electrical units are based is reported, and tables are included for the convers ion of equatlOns and numerical values from one system to another. Contents