t = local temperature T u = local axial velocity U = dimensionless velocity, u/Uc U,,, = average fluid velocity in axial direction U , U,,,,, = maximum local velocity in axial direction a = disturbance wave number fl p = liquid viscosity p = liquiddensity c w = dimensionless temperature, t,t/t,tc = fluid velocity at pipe center in axial direction = coefficient of volumetric expansion= quantity evaluated at R = 0 = quantityevaluatedat R = 1 A Burnett type of apparatus was built for 12,000 Ib./sq.in. pressure and temperatures of 25" to 100°C. Isothermal expansions were run on methane, ethylene, and four binary mixtures a t 25", 50°, and 75"C., and compressibility factors were derived from the pressure ratio R. C. Lee is presently at