“…1 Simplified geological map of the southern part of the Fennoscandian Shield including Precambrian units beneath the Phanerozoic cover in the Baltic Sea region. The map is modified after Koistinen et al (2001) by adding information from Sundblad et al (2003), Motuza and Motuza (2011) and Salin et al (2019). BLU Bergslagen lithotectonic unit, LLDZ Loftahammar-Linköping deformation zone, LSGM Late Svecofennian granite-migmatite zone, OJB Oskarshamn-Jönköping belt, R Riga batholith, SLU Småland lithotectonic unit, TIB Transscandinavian Igneous Belt, V Västervik quartzites, WLG West Lithuanian Granulite domain.…”