If, as recently proposed by Farrar and Piran, Cen A is the source of cosmic rays detected above the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuz'min cutoff, neutrons are ≈ 140 more probable than protons to be observed along its line of sight. This is because the proton flux is rendered nearly isotropic by O(µG) intergalactic magnetic fields. With the anticipated aperture of the Southern Auger Observatory, one may expect on the order of 2 neutron events/year above 10 20 eV in the line of sight of Cen A.The energy spectrum of cosmic rays (CRs) is well fitted by power laws with increasing index for energies above 4 × 10 15 eV (the "knee") flattening again above 5 × 10 18 eV (the "ankle"), yielding the overall shape of a leg. Over the last third of the century, ingenious installations with large effective areas and long exposure times-needed to overcome the steep falling flux-have raised the tail of the spectrum up to an energy of 3 × 10 20 eV, with no evidence that the highest energy recorded thus far is Nature's upper limit [1]. The origin of these extraordinarily energetic particles continues to present a major enigma to high energy physics [2].The main problem posed by the detection of CRs of such energy (if nucleons, gammas, and/or nuclei) is energy degradation through inelastic collisions with the universal radiation fields permeating the universe. Therefore, if the CR sources are all at cosmological distances, the observed spectrum must virtually end with the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuz'min (GZK) cutoff at E ≈ 8 × 10 19 eV [3]. The spectral cutoff is less sharp for nearby sources (within 50 Mpc or so). The arrival directions of the trans-GZK events are distributed widely over the sky, with no plausible counterparts (such as sources in the Galactic Plane or in the Local Supercluster). Furthermore, the data are consistent with an isotropic distribution of sources in sharp constrast to the anisotropic distribution of light within 50 Mpc [4]. The difficulties encountered by conventional acceleration mechanisms in accelerating particles to the highest observed energies have motivated suggestions that the underlying production mechanism could be of non-acceleration nature. Namely, charged and neutral primaries, mainly light mesons (pions) together with a small fraction (3%) of nucleons, might be produced at extremely high energy by decay of supermassive elementary X particles (m X ∼ 10 22 − 10 28 eV) [5]. However, if this were the case, the observed spectrum should be dominated by gamma rays and neutrinos, in contrast to current observation [6]! Alternative explanations involve undiscovered neutral hadrons with masses above a few GeV [7], neutrinos producing nucleons and photons via resonant Z-production with the relic neutrino background [8], or else neutrinos attaining cross sections in the millibarn range above the electroweak scale [9]. A controversial correlation between the arrival direction of CRs above 10 20 eV and high redshift compact radio quasars seems to support these scenarios [10].Over the last few years, it has become evident tha...