Herein we explore the non-equatorial circular geodesics (both timelike and null) in the Painlevé-Gullstrand variant of the Lense-Thirring spacetime recently introduced by the current authors. Even though the spacetime is not spherically symmetric, shells of circular geodesics still exist. While the radial motion is (by construction) utterly trivial, determining the allowed locations of these circular geodesics is decidedly nontrivial, and the stability analysis is equally tricky. Regarding the angular motion, these circular orbits will be seen to exhibit both precession and nutation -typically with incommensurate frequencies. Thus circular geodesic motion, though integrable in the technical sense, is generically surface-filling, with the orbits completely covering an equatorial band which is a segment of a sphere, and whose extent is governed by an interplay between the orbital angular momentum and the Carter constant. The situation is qualitatively similar to that for the (exact) Kerr spacetime -but we now see that any physical model having the same slow-rotation weak-field limit as general relativity will still possess non-equatorial circular geodesics.