The developments of technology and computer digital systems are now pervasive across the globe and the world has rendered an invisible and unviable from day to day existence. The detailed assessment details of Mobile and Pervasive Computing applied to electrical and electronic devices, which are intangible and considering the context of evolutionary theory that refers to them as pervasive environments. The urban development concept, the future will be a connected web of networked computers and models of integrated networks system. Due to their broad usage in metropolitan environments, the significant mobile devices have been enriched the urban planning strategy of ubiquitous computing, which is designed for the urban growth. According to the action plan, the data mining tools will be employed to assist the IDS building efforts in order to help alleviate these issues. This has found that the Intrusion Detection technologies have been used in conjunction with data mining strategies to spot attacks in the system. An Intrusion Detection System is used to control the network operations, used to track and filter out the unwanted data with decision tree. The mobile crowd sourcing technologies were applied to smart environments; the world by integrating and coordinating all of the technology resources. These algorithms are evaluated for their use in discovering the unknown attacks in the mobile communication systems.