Background: Early marriage is a normal or informal marriage performed under the age of 18. Early marriage is a marriage performed at the age of <20 years. Early marriage is a global problem, according to the National Population and Family Planning Board, (2010), approximately 11% of Indonesia's population is married at the age of 15 and 18% of adolescents aged 18 are married. An estimated 142 million girls (14.2 million annually) were married before the age of 18 from 2011 to 2020.
Purpose: To determinant factors that influence the incidence of early marriage in Marga Mulya Village, East Kikim District, Lahat Regency in 2021.
Method: Type of quantitative research with cross sectional design. The population of this study were all officially registered marriages in Marga Mulya Village, East Kikim District, Lahat Regency with a total of 90 couples using the slovin formula technique. The sample of this research is 74 respondents, this research instrument uses a questionnaire. Data analysis used for univariate frequency distribution, bivariate analysis using chi square test (Continuity Correction) and multivariate analysis using multiple regression.
Results: In this study it showed that there was an influence of knowledge (0.019), family support (0.0019) and local culture (0.005) having a significant influence on early marriage in young women with a significance level of p-value < significant value and the most dominant factor influencing is the local culture variable with the highest exp (B) value of 5.336.
Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between knowledge, family support and local culture with the incidence of early marriage with a probability value <0.05. In addition, local culture has the most dominant influence with a magnitude of 5,336 compared to 7 other variables.
Suggestion: It is hoped that this research can develop health promotion programs and empower young women and efforts to free them from poverty in rural areas.