Key words Axiom of choice, weak axioms of choice, compact and Lindelöf metrizable spaces, sums and products of metrizable spaces.
MSC (2000)03E25, 54A35, 54D30, 54D65, 54D70, 54E35, 54E45We study the role that the axiom of choice plays in Tychonoff's product theorem restricted to countable families of compact, as well as, Lindelöf metric spaces, and in disjoint topological unions of countably many such spaces.In this paper we continue with the study of compact and Lindelöf metric spaces which we started in [12] and [13]. Besides the notation and terminology used in the above-mentioned papers we shall need to establish some more here. Let (X, T ) be a topological space. X is said to be metrizable iff there is a metric d on X such that the topology T d on X induced by d coincides with T .Form 9: Every infinite set has a countably infinite subset. Form 418: The disjoint union of countably many metrizable spaces is metrizable.i ∈ N} is a family of metric spaces each having the property P , then the (Tychonoff) product X = i∈N X i has the property Q.CPM le (P, Q): If {(X i , T i ) : i ∈ N} is a family of metrizable topological spaces each having the property P , then the (Tychonoff) product X = i∈N X i is metrizable and has the property Q.CSM(P, Q): If {(X i , d i ) : i ∈ N} is a disjoint family of metric spaces each having the property P , then the sum (disjoint topological union, see [19]) X = i∈N X i has the property Q.CSM le (P, Q): If {(X i , T i ) : i ∈ N} is a disjoint family of metrizable topological spaces each having the property P , then the sum X = i∈N X i is metrizable and has the property Q.CAC(ML) (resp. CAC(MC)): If {(X i , d i ) : i ∈ N} is a family of Lindelöf (resp. compact) metric spaces, then {X i : i ∈ N} has a choice function.Notice that CAC(ML) (resp. CAC(MC)) is equivalent to the proposition: Products of countably many Lindelöf (resp. compact) metric spaces are non-empty.CAC(M le L) (resp. CAC(M le C)) : If {(X i , T i ) : i ∈ N} is a family of Lindelöf (resp. compact) metrizable topological spaces, then {X i : i ∈ N} has a choice function.