Cytoplasmic streaming is widely observed in a variety of plant cells. The mechanism of cytoplasmic streaming has been studied most intensively with giant internodal cells of green algae because of their large size (diameter, approximately 500·µm; length, >10·cm). It is now well established that cytoplasmic streaming is caused by ATP-dependent interaction between well-organized actin filament arrays fixed on the rows of chloroplasts (actin cables) and 'cytoplasmic' myosin molecules attached to amorphous cytoplasmic organelles. The sliding between actin and cytoplasmic myosin results in movement of the organelles in one direction, determined by the polarity of the actin cables, thus causing streaming of the surrounding cytoplasm (Kamiya and Kuroda, 1956;Kamitsubo, 1966; Nagai and Rebhum, 1966;Kersey and Wessels, 1976;Kato and Tonomura, 1977;Nagai and Hayama, 1979; Fig.·1). The direction of cytoplasmic streaming is reversed across the indifferent zone where chloroplasts are absent, reflecting the reversal of actin cable polarity across the indifferent zone. As the two indifferent zones run parallel to the cell's long axis, cytoplasmic streaming rotates longitudinally in the cell.Although both cytoplasmic streaming and muscle contraction are caused by ATP-dependent actin-myosin interaction, they differ from each other in some properties. Contraction and relaxation in skeletal muscle is regulated by changes in intracellular Ca 2+ concentration via regulatory proteins on actin filaments (Ebashi and Endo, 1968); a muscle is relaxed at pCa ≥7 and fully contracts at pCa ≤5. By contrast, cytoplasmic streaming occurs continuously even at pCa ≥7 and stops at pCa ≤6 (Williamson, 1975;Williamson and Ashley, 1982;Tominaga et al., 1983). Latex beads coated with skeletal muscle myosin slide along actin cables when they are introduced into an internodal cell with Mg-ATP, but the bead movement is insensitive to pCa (Shimmen and Yano, 1984), indicating that regulatory proteins are absent on actin cables, while cytoplasmic myosin is responsible for the Ca 2+ -induced stoppage of cytoplasmic streaming. Using the centrifuge microscope, Chaen et al. (1995) showed that the Ca 2+ -induced actin-cytoplasmic myosin linkages are stronger than their rigor linkages, suggesting that a cytoplasmic myosin head can bind with actin at two different sites. Higashi-Fujime et al. (1995) reported that proteolytic cleavage of actin impaired ATPdependent actin filament sliding on skeletal muscle myosin but not on cytoplasmic myosin, suggesting that cytoplasmic myosin may interact with actin at sites different from those of muscle myosin.
1971The Journal of Experimental Biology 206, 1971Biology 206, -1976Biology 206, © 2003 The Company of Biologists Ltd doi:10.1242/jeb.00239Cytoplasmic streaming in giant internodal cells of green algae is caused by ATP-dependent sliding between actin cables fixed on chloroplast rows and cytoplasmic myosin molecules attached to cytoplasmic organelles. Its velocity (≥50·µm·s -1 ) is many times larger than the maximum ...