Article:Wookey, J., Kendall, J.M. and Barruol, G. (2002) Mid-mantle deformation inferred from seismic anisotropy. Nature, 415 (6873
777changed uniformly by +5 K, -10 K or -20 K. Additional experiments, not presented here, demonstrated insensitivity of the simulated heat¯uxes to changes in surface¯uxes of heat, moisture and momentum, or in scale-selective dissipation.Except as noted below, all quantities used to create Figs 1±3 are zonal means, averaged over the mid-latitude region de®ned as 1,000±200 mbar, 288±688 latitude, for each hemisphere. The results were found to be insensitive to variations in the de®nition of the mid-latitude region. In particular, this height is suf®cient to include essentially the whole troposphere and all the eddy activity. It should be noted that the average meridional temperature gradient is closely constrained by the ®xed surface temperatures, and could be replaced by the surface temperature gradient in the calculations with only a modest loss in accuracy. The diabatic forcing term q includes both the radiative heating averaged over the mid-latitude region and the surface¯uxes of sensible heat, although the contribution of surface¯uxes turns out to be small. The height scales H and H s , used to calculate the radius of deformation L D , and the Charney length scale L g , were taken to be constant at 8 km as they did not vary substantially in any of the experiments. In calculating L g , the vertical averages were weighted 13 by a factor e 2z=D , where D H s = 0:48 1:48g . The latitude of the zonal wind maximum, which did not vary substantially between experiments, was used to calculate f and b. The size of the baroclinic zone, L zone , was de®ned as the distance between the two latitudes where the strength of the vertically averaged zonal-mean zonal wind ®rst drops to half of its maximum value. In all calculations the correlation coef®cient k was given a constant value of 0.25, while the utilization coef®cient e was given a constant value of 0.75.