(Text-figs. 1-6)The macrofauna of an intertidal Macoma community has been studied by monthly sampling over the period October 1972 to October 1973. Production estimates have been made for the six major species present by computing mortality and residual biomass. The major producer was Nephtys hombergi. Three year-classes of this species were present. The biomass, averaged over the year, was 3-947 g/m 2 and the production 7-335 g/m 2 /year, giving a P:B ratio of 1-9:1. Ampharete acutifrons is an annual species with a mean biomass of 0-426 g/m 2 and a production of 2-322 g/m 2 /year (P:B ratio 5-5:1). The most productive bivalve was Mya arenaria, with a mean biomass of 5-537 g/m 2 and a production of 2-659 g/m 2 /year (P:B ratio 0-5:1). This species has invaded southwest England within the last ten years and the population has not reached a stable state. The other bivalves are Scrobicularia plana (mean biomass 2-146 g/m 2 , production 0-482 g/m 2 /year, P:B ratio 0-2:1), Macoma balthica (mean biomass 0-337 g/m 2 , production 0-308 g/m 2 /year, P:B ratio 0-9:1) and Cerastoderma edule (mean biomass 0-847 g/ m2 > production 0-205 g/m 2 /year, P:B ratio 0-2:1).The total production was 13-311 g/m 2 /year, which coincidentally almost exactly equalled the total mean biomass of 13-240 g/m 2 . Comparison with other areas shows that this production figure is about average for benthic communities. However, it is thought that the meiofauna production must be high in this situation because the top macrofauna producer, Nephtys hombergi, is a carnivore.
I N T R O D U C T I O NThe importance of the extensive intertidal mud-flats to the energy budget of estuaries has frequently been stressed, but seldom quantified. Smidt (1951) has discussed the production of both macro-and meiofauna from the Danish Waddens in general terms but, because of the wide coverage, his information is not detailed enough to quantify annual production in terms of g/m 2 . The present study was designed to compare the productive importance of macrofauna and meiofauna in detail at a single site. This paper deals only with the first phase of this study, the macrofauna, which are retained on a 0-5 mm sieve for the major part of their productive life.Population studies on several species typical of intertidal mud-flats have been undertaken previously by various authors, but production of the total macrofauna assemblage of a given area has not been estimated. It should be stressed that the present estimate is applicable only to the site studied and to the year of the study, but serves to illustrate the order of magnitude to be expected and, following later work on the meiofauna, will illustrate the relative importance of the two size-components of the fauna. The data obtained provide production estimates, and no effort has been made to derive complete life-histories. For example, the exact spawning period is often not known, except where disappearance of gametes has been observed incidentally or where inferences can be drawn from the appearance of 'O' group settl...