“…in Thailand, 15 spp. in Vietnam (Lu, 2018;Linh et al, 2020), no species has been recorded in Laos (Lindsay & Middleton, 2012-continuously updated;Newman et al, 2017-continuously updated) and Cambodia (Lindsay & Middleton, 2012-continuously updated;Cho et al, 2016); this is the first record of the genus Arachniodes with voucher specimens in the country. Arachniodes pseudoassamica has been known to endemic to Yunnan of China (He et al, 2013) and is characterized by pale brown scales, lamina 2-pinnate, brownish green when dried, and abruptly narrowed toward apex, with a distinct caudate terminal pinna, and sori 1-4 pairs per ultimate segment, located on medial between costule and margin.…”