By considering the integral homology of the double loop space of a Moore space, it is clear that certain spherical homology classes force the classical Snaith splitting of 2 P 2nC1 .p r / to stably decompose further than previously described. This new stable splitting allows for the construction of new higher torsion elements which are detected by K-theory but not detected in the ordinary homology of any iterated loop space of a Moore space, unlike the elements of order p r C1 in [8] which have nontrivial Hurewicz images in the homology of 2 P 2nC1 .p r / (see Lemma 4.1).The main results are described next. Recall that the Snaith splitting gives a functorial stable homotopy equivalencefor any path-connected CW-complex X , where the stable summands are given by suspension spectra of the extended powers D j . 2 † 2 X / D C 2 .j / C ^ †j X ^j , and C 2 .j / denotes the space of j little 2-cubes disjointly embedded in R 2 . In the case that X is an odd-dimensional sphere S 2n 1 , the stable summands D j . 2 S 2nC1 / of 2 S 2nC1 have been well studied; they are p-locally contractible unless j Á 0 or 1 mod p, in which case they can be identified with suitably suspended Brown-Gitler spectra.In particular, after localizing at a prime p, they are stably indecomposable. Below we consider the case of an odd-dimensional Moore space and the stable summands D p k . 2 P 2nC1 .p r // which map naturally onto these Brown-Gitler spectra by the map 2 † 2 q where q W P 2n 1 .p r / ! S 2n 1 is the pinch map.Theorem 1.1 Suppose p is prime and n > 1.(a) If p 3 and r 1, then D p k . 2 P 2nC1 .p r // is stably homotopy equivalent tofor some finite CW-complex X p k for all k 1.(b) If p D 2 and r > 1, then D 2 . 2 P 2nC1 .2 r // is homotopy equivalent to P 4n 2 .2 r C1 / _ X 2 for some 4-cell complex X 2 D P 4n 3 .2 r / [ CP 4n 2 .2/.(c) If p D 2 and r D 1, then D 2 . 2 P 2nC1 .2// is a stably indecomposable 6-cell complex.