OBJECTIVES: To determine the clinical and patient-reported outcomes of bi-layered, allceramic posterior single crowns (SCs) supported by zirconia implants in an uncontrolled, prospective, multicenter study. METHODS: In two centers, 60 patients received 71 one-piece zirconia oral implants to be restored with either SCs (n=49) or three-unit fixed dental prostheses (n=11). Of these patients, 45 implants were restored with all-ceramic, zirconia-based posterior SCs (one per patient). Survival rates of implants and reconstructions were assessed, and technical success was evaluated according to modified U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) criteria. Furthermore, patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) were assessed by applying visual analog scales (VAS). Kaplan-Meier (KM) plots and log-rank tests were used for success/survival analyses. The Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test was used to evaluate time effects on response variables (PROMs, USPHS criteria). RESULTS: Forty patients with 40 SCs could be evaluated after 36.7±1.2months. No SC was replaced, resulting in 100% survival. The KM success estimate was 87.5% (two chippings, one restoration margin, and one contour were rated Charlie). In general, the incidence of chipping (p=.0005) and occlusal roughness (p=.0003) was frequent. Compared with the pre-treatment patient surveys (67-93%), all surveys at prosthetic delivery except for speech (p=.139) showed significantly improved VAS scores (81-94%; p<.0001). Thereafter, no decrease in satisfaction could be observed over time until the 3-year follow-up (86-93%; p.390). CONCLUSION: Veneered, zirconia-based SCs supported by zirconia implants satisfied patients' needs highly. However, significant incidence of chipping and roughness of the veneering ceramic may compromise the clinical longterm outcome for this indication. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Posterior, zirconia-based SCs supported by zirconia oral implants entirely survived the follow-up period of 3 years, but two major chippings, one a significant marginal opening and one pronounced over-contouring, resulted in a reduced KM success estimate of 87.5% after 36 months of observation. Spies, Benedikt C; Balmer, Marc; Jung, Ronald E; Sailer, Irena; Vach, Kirstin; Kohal, Ralf-Joachim (2017
AbstractObjectives: To determine the clinical and patient-reported outcomes of bi-layered, all-ceramic posterior single crowns (SCs) supported by zirconia implants in an uncontrolled, prospective, multicenter study.Methods: In two centers, 60 patients received 71 one-piece zirconia oral implants to be restored with either SCs (n = 49) or three-unit fixed dental prostheses (n = 11). Of these patients, 45 implants were restored with all-ceramic, zirconia-based posterior SCs (one per patient). Survival rates of implants and reconstructions were assessed, and technical success was evaluated according to modified U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) criteria.Furthermore, patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) were assessed by applying visual analog scales (VAS). Kaplan-Meier (KM) ...