We propose a novel generalized ensemble method, a virtual-system coupled multicanonical molecular dynamics (V-McMD), to enhance conformational sampling of biomolecules expressed by an all-atom model in an explicit solvent. In this method, a virtual system, of which physical quantities can be set arbitrarily, is coupled with the biomolecular system, which is the target to be studied. This method was applied to a system of an Endothelin-1 derivative, KR-CSH-ET1, known to form an antisymmetric homodimer at room temperature. V-McMD was performed starting from a configuration in which two KR-CSH-ET1 molecules were mutually distant in an explicit solvent. The lowest freeenergy state (the most thermally stable state) at room temperature coincides with the experimentally determined native complex structure. This state was separated to other non-native minor clusters by a free-energy barrier, although the barrier disappeared with elevated temperature.