XThe relevance of this problem is conditioned by the prevailing political situation in the world community. Both world and local wars almost always entail many deaths, there are the cases of mass burial of the dead. In such cases, dead can often be determined only by genomic identification. Indirect DNA diagnostics are being used now, but the use of direct methods is more economical and faster, which requires the creation of a genomic data-base of all people who will be on the battlefield. In the armed forces of the Russian Federation, soldiers carry an aluminum token on their chest, on which in-formation about the name and blood type is stamped. This method was used back in World War II to determine the identity of a soldier at his death. Of course, this method is not particularly effective, since it is quite difficult to "identify" a person by such small fragments. In this case, the help of geneticists is needed. The 124th Central Medi-cal Identification Research Laboratory of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, located in Rostov-on-Don, which was engaged in the identification of people in the Chechen Republic, has extensive identification experience. At first, during the first Chechen campaign, the names of 700 dead servicemen were identified thanks to special laboratory methods. Further, the number of identified persons was already about 3 thousand, and this was not due to the fact that the number of losses increased. Research is still ongoing. And, despite the fact that geneticists did a great job to identify the dead, there are still inscriptions on the graves: "Unknown soldier." A number is put in the place of the name with the hope that someday it will still be possible to identify this fighter [1].