A large quantity of maize is wasted due to weeds in Holeta and Ejere districts of Central Ethiopia. The weeds invade the crop fields during the early growth stage by germinating from the soil and driving nutrients from the soil. To manage the crop from the weeds, farmers exercise cultural weed control methods. However, this method of managing the weeds from the crop is tiresome and inefficient. Hence, it was assumed that application of the crops with herbicides soon after sowing or practicing weed free from emergence up to the time of maturity prevents the weeds. The study was to test the efficacy of herbicides on several weed species and increase maize production. The RCBD with three replications was used with plot dimensions every one calculating 5m x 4m. Plots were treated with AGENT 600 ml ha -1 , COYOTE 440 SE 3L.ha -1 , Primagramgold 3L.ha -1 , S-Maspor 960 EC 3L.ha -1 , Surestart 3L.ha -1 and weedy check. The application of S-Maspor 960 EC reduced the density of Corrigiola capensis by 93.3 %, Plantago lanceoleta by 51.6%, Spergula arvensis by 51.6% in Ejere tested location whereas treating plots with Surestart significantly decreased the remaining weed species in Holeta and Ejere. Furthermore, significantly increased cob length by 4.3%, grain yield by 17.58 folds, and reduced yield loss by 93.3% as compared to weedy check plots were also received from the application of Surestart. It is concluded that the application of Surestart 3L ha -1 has proven to significantly decrease weed density and enhanced grain yield.