A group G is said to have the R∞ property if, for any automorphism ϕ of G, the number R(ϕ) of twisted conjugacy classes (or Reidemeister classes) is infinite. It is well known that when G is the fundamental group of a closed surface of negative Euler characteristic, it has the R ∞ property. In this work, we compute the least integer c, called the R ∞-nilpotency degree of G, such that the group G/γ c+1(G) has the R∞ property, where γr(G) is the rth term of the lower central series of G. We show that c = 4 for G the fundamental group of any orientable closed surface S g of genus g > 1. For the fundamental group of the non-orientable surface N g (the connected sum of g projective planes) this number is 2(g − 1) (when g > 2). A similar concept is introduced using the derived series G (r) of a group G. Namely, the R∞-solvability degree of G, which is the least integer c such that the group G/G (c) has the R∞ property. We show that the fundamental group of an orientable closed surface S g has R∞-solvability degree 2. As a by-product of our research, we find a lot of new examples of nilmanifolds on which every self-homotopy equivalence can be deformed into a fixed point free map.