Organosulfur compounds formed upon comminuting the bulbs
of two Allium subgenus Nectaroscordum species
(Allium siculum and Allium tripedale) were analyzed by HPLC-PDA-MS/MS.
The major organosulfur components were isolated and structurally characterized
(MS, NMR), including several previously unknown compounds. It was
found that the organosulfur chemistry occurring when these plants
are cut is very similar to that observed in onion (Allium cepa). In all cases, however, the organosulfur
compounds found in Nectaroscordum species were higher
homologues of those observed in onion, being formed by various combinations
of C1 and C4 building blocks derived from methiin
and homoisoalliin/butiin, respectively. Thiosulfinates, bis-sulfine,
cepaenes, and several cepaene-like compounds were identified among
the major organosulfur components present in the homogenized bulbs.
Several groups of 3,4-diethylthiolane-based compounds, structurally
homologous with onionin A, cepathiolane A, allithiolanes A–H,
and cepadithiolactone A, found in onion, were also detected.