This chapter provides 32 Tables summarizing the characteristic features of global gold-copper deposits associated with potassic igneous rocks for which substantial information is available.
AbbreviationsAbbreviations for ore minerals: Apy, arsenopyrite; Bn, bornite; Cal, calaverite; Cc, chalcocite; Cinn, cinnabar; Cov, covellite; Cpy, chalcopyrite; Dig, digenite; En, enargite; Gn, galena; Mar, marcasite; Mol, molybdenite; Po, pyrrhotite; Py, pyrite; Sch, scheelite; Sl, sphalerite; Stib, stibnite; Tel, telluride; Ten, tennantite; Tet, tetrahedrite.Abbreviations for silicate minerals: Af, potassic feldspar; An, analcite; Ap, apatite; Bio, biotite; Cpx, clinopyroxene; Foids, feldspathoid minerals; Hb, hornblende; Mt, magnetite; Ol, olivine; Opx, orthopyroxene; Phl, phlogopite; Pl, plagioclase; Qz, quartz; Ti, titanite.
Tables of Deposit CharacteristicsThe deposit tables are arranged alphabetically for ease of use but the following lists indicate their tectonic settings.