Resistivity measurements have been performed on a low (LR)-and high (HR)-resistance variant of the κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br superconductor. While the HR sample was synthesized following the standard procedure, the LR crystal is a result of a somewhat modified synthesis route. According to their residual resistivities and residual resistivity ratios, the LR crystal is of distinctly superior quality. He-gas pressure was used to study the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the different transport regimes for both variants. The main results of these comparative investigations are (i) a significant part of the inelastic-scattering contribution, which causes the anomalous ρ(T ) maximum in standard HR crystals around 90 K, is sample dependent, i.e. extrinsic in nature, (ii) the abrupt change in ρ(T ) at T * ≈ 40 K from a strongly temperature-dependent behavior at T > T * to an only weakly T-dependent ρ(T ) at T < T * is unaffected by this scattering contribution and thus marks an independent property, most likely a second-order phase transition, (iii) both variants reveal a ρ(T) ∝ AT 2 dependence at low temperatures, i.e. for Tc ≤ T ≤ T0, although with strongly sample-dependent coefficients A and upper bounds for the T 2 behavior measured by T0. The latter result is inconsistent with the T 2 dependence originating from coherent Fermi-liquid excitations.