TABLE 111. Effect of Simultaneous Administration of Thyroxin and Epinephrine on Organic-Bound P in the Blood. ~~~~ ~~ NO. Qf Statistical Treatment animala OBI, C/min. Rat No. sign&.aace Exp. 1 Thyroxin + epinephrine Thyroxin Epinephrine &line Thyroxin + epinephrine Thyroxin Bpinephrine Saline Thyroxin + epinephrine Thyroxin Epinephrine Saline Exp. 2 Exp. 35 5 5 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 1 91.8 2 30.2" 94.8 2 28.2 132.0 3-18.5 152.0 3-25.7 117.8 -r-10.6 186.0 3-46.5 196.0 .+-65.8 299.7 & 17.7 189.0 2 33.0 242.0 2 82.0 246,O 2 64.0 318.0 1-5 f ~3 8 . 9 1 6-10 p <.Ol 11-15 16-18 1-5 f = 9.37 6-10 p <.Ol 11-15 16-18 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-18 t * Mean 4 stand. dev. Each animal inj. with 30 pc Im 18 hr before sacrifice. No. 1-10 inj. with 0.5 mg of thyroxin 2% hr before sacrifice. No. 1-5 and 11-15 i d . with 0.1 mg epinephrine 2 hr before sacrifice. No. B6-18 inj. with a normal saline solution 2 hr b&re sacrifice. t 2 samplea 1,wt. ___thyroxin has been found to produce a lower-1. Gross, J., and fit.-Rivers, R., Bjochem. J., ing in the blood level of thyroid hormone (or-1953, v53, 645. rine is interpreted as being due to the in-J . physiol., 1949, v159, 291. creased utilization of circulating thyroid 3. Soffer, L. J., Volterra, M., Gabrilove, J. L., hormone caused by epinephrine. The signifi-