This paper presents the calculation of parameters and simulation modeling of the power supply system based on solar panels, taking into account the stochastic nature of the processes of energy generation and consumption. Through simulation in MATLAB® Simulink, the performance of the power supply system under the change of solar insolation and load power was evaluated. The method of controlling a bidirectional converter based on the calculation of the difference in Shannon entropy of energy generation and consumption flows is described. This method allows for increasing the efficiency of energy use in the system by reducing the difference between the entropy values at the input and output of the system. It also allows for reducing the duration of time intervals when the energy storage in the system is uncontrollable while being fully charged or fully discharged. Modeling of electrical processes in the power supply system was carried out with the implementing the control either considering the entropy difference or without it. To evaluate the impact of the accuracy of determining the entropy values on the modeling results, the entropy for different interval durations was calculated. The results of modeling the power supply system were analyzed using solar insolation and load power data with a 1-minute discreteness.