In this paper, we propose two models of oscillatory neural networks - the Deep Oscillatory Neural Network (DONN) and a convolutional variation of it named Oscillatory Convolutional Neural Network (OCNN) – and apply the models to a variety of problems involving the classification and prediction of Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Deep neural networks applied to signal processing problems will have to incorporate various architectural features to remember the history of the input signals e.g., loops between the layers, “gated” neurons, and tapped delay lines. But real brains have rich dynamics expressed in terms of frequency bands like alpha, beta, gamma, delta, etc. To incorporate this aspect of brain dynamics in a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) we propose to use nonlinear oscillators as dynamic neuron models in the hidden layers. The two oscillatory deep neural networks proposed are applied to the following EEG classification and prediction problems: Prediction of nearby EEG channels, classification of single-channel EEG data (healthy vs. epileptic, different stages of sleep stage classification), and multi-channel EEG data (Epileptic vs. Normal, Left vs. right-hand Motor imagery movement, and healthy vs. Claustrophobic EEG).