With the advent of generative artificial intelligence (gen-AI), the effectiveness of instructional pedagogies for students in higher education needs to be reassessed to make sure they learn authentically-a pedagogical approach of enabling students to learn and acquire knowledge meaningfully within the context of real-world problems relevant to their lives. To achieve this, instructors must redesign their courses to deliver content in ways that encourage participation and engagement within an AI-driven community-of-inquiry type of learning environment. This article proposes a theoretical framework for integrating gen-AI into the design and delivery of courses to promote authentic learning in a gen-AI-driven context by reorganizing the student experience along three axes. The first axis is to create learning activities that are context, task, impact, and value authentic. The second axis is to reconfigure the roles of students and instructors, as well as the latter's pedagogies in ways that promote authentic participation and engagement that develop the student's sense of self-efficacy, emotional engagement, belongingness, and overall well-being. The third axis is fostering a community-of-inquiry type of learning environment, one that is characterized by cognitive presence, social presence, and teaching presence, these being the qualities that facilitate student engagement and participation that lead to authentic learning.