. 1987. The distribution and the systematic relevance of the androecial characters oligomery and polymery in the Magnoliophytina.-Nord. J. Bot. 7: 23!2-253. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107-055X.In the system of classification sensu Cronquist, the division between the two subclasses Dilleniidae and Rosidae relies on only a few characters. The major distinguishing character is the occurrence of centripetal or centrifugal sequence of stamen development. We question not only the application and the value of this character, but also the maintenance of the Rosidae and Dilleniidae as separately derived natural taxa, because of the lack of solid distinguishing criteria. We have studied the stamina1 characters in the 192 families of the Dilleniidae and the Rosidae, using Dahlgren's classification diagram. The study focussed on the following androecial characters: 1) polyandry; i.e. spiral polyandry, complex polyandry (viz. centrifugal, centripetal and lateral polyandry) and cyclic polyandry 2) diplostemony and obdiplostemony 3) haplostemony and obhaplostemony .In our proposal only two characters are maintained, namely oligomery (diplostemony s.1.) and polymery (true polyandry %I.), both having a number of character states. Polyandry, as it has been described up to now, is not to be regarded as homologous in all Magnoliophytina. Both characters correspond to two different lines within the Magnoliatae. In addition, the division between the Dilleniidae and Rosidae sensu Cronquist is no longer tenable. Finally, a number of modifications of Dahlgren's diagram are suggested and a division of the Magnoliophytina in a polymerous group and an oligomerous group is proposed. The Dilleniidae-Rosidae complex is included in the oligomerous group.