“…which is the linear non-homogenious equation, where Here, we have used the fact when CP is approaching, theory becomes conformal provided by the scalar field, the dilaton φ , with the mass m φ . In (3.8), we use m as a mass of (light) hadrons which are in the pattern of CBE; k GL = m φ /m B is the Ginzburg-Landau parameter which can differ the vacuum of type-I ( k GL < 1) from those of type-II ( k GL > 1) in dual Higgs-Abelian gauge model with dual (to non-abelian gluon field A a µ (x)) gauge field B a µ (x) with the mass m B (for details see [8,13]. CP is characterized by k GL → ∞ because of infinite fluctuation length ξ ∼ m −1 B .…”