Teff is a highly valuable grain for Ethiopian people in generating income and achieving food security. Using unique cross-sectional data from husbands and wives, descriptive statistics and an econometric model, this paper analyzes gender roles in the teff value chain in south-western Ethiopia. Primary data was collected from 117 farmers, 38 traders and 14 consumers. Findings indicate that women contribute more than their husbands to teff production, and their labor burden exceeds that of their husbands since they perform reproductive activities in which men do not participate. Most women are involved in the production, processing and retailing of teff. In turn, their husbands control the wholesale process and cash generated. However, it is difficult to calculate the labor share of women in the household. There are very weak linkages between actors of the entire teff value chain. Among the main determinants of teff market supply, education of the respondent, land area, market information and cooperative membership have a positive effect. Conversely, distance to market negatively affected teff market supply. Therefore, enhancing cooperation between teff value chain actors and providing women with access to training, education and extension services should be a policy priority in the study areas.