Thermal decomposition experiments were performed with n -hexadecane to get a better understanding of liquidphase thermal decomposition. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry were used to identify the decomposition products. At low conversions, liquid-phase thermal decomposition produced low molecular weight straight-chain alkanes and alkenes. This is in good agreement with the Fabuss, Smith, and Satterfield thermal cracking mechanism. At conversions above 5 %, liquid-phase thermal decomposition produced more complex products. High molecular weight branched-chain alkanes were formed in addition to the low molecular weight products described above. The branched-chain alkanes were formed by the reaction of straight-chain alkenes with hexadecyl radicals. A liquid-phase thermal decomposition model was developed that accounts for the main products formed.Research has been undertaken to evaluate the liquidphase thermal decomposition of saturated hydrocarbons. Hexadecane was chosen as a model compound for this research.Considerable work has been reported on the thermal decomposition of saturated hydrocarbons in the gas phase but very little on their liquid-phase decomposition. Rice et al. (1933Rice et al. ( , 1934Rice et al. ( , 1943 showed that the main products of the low-pressure gas-phase thermal decomposition of straight-chain alkanes are low molecular weight straightchain alkanes and alkenes. They developed a free-radical mechanism that accounts for the main products formed. Fabuss, Smith, and Satterfield (1964) modified Rice's mechanism to account for the products formed in highpressure gas-phase decompositions. More recently, Doue and Guiochon (1969) and Hazlett (1977) studied the liquid-phase decomposition of straight-chain alkanes; these workers also reported that only straight-chain products are formed. However, they found more alkanes than alkenes,