JOSEF GIERER and INGEGERD PETTERSSON. Can. J. Chem. 55, 593 (1977). The alkaline condensation of p-hydroxyarylglycerol-a-aryl ether units in lignin with other phenolic structures and the subsequent reactions of the condensation products have been elucidated using appropriate model compounds. It is shown that the primary condensation of simple phenols (2,6-xylenol or resorcinol) into the a-position of phenolic compounds of the f3-aryl ether type is followed by an aryl participation (A,-3) reaction resulting in the cleavage of the a-aryl ether bond and formation of the corresponding stilbene derivative. When resorcinol is used as reaction partner, the condensation is also followed by the cleavage of the P-aryl ether linkage through another type of neighbouring group participation reaction involving the phenolate anion ortho to the site of condensation and giving rise to the corresponding arylcoumaran derivative.The consequences of these findings for the course of alkaline delignification processes are briefly discussed. Chem. 55, 593 (1977). On a ClucidC, utilisant des composes modiles approprits, le mecanisme de la condensation alcaline d'unites d'ether p-hydroxyarylglycCro1 a-aryle de la lignine avec d'autres structures phCnoliques et les rCactions subsCquentes des produits de condensation. On a montr6 que la condensation primaire de phenols simples (xylenol-2,6 ou rCsorcino1) en position a des composes phCnoliques du type ether a-aryle est suivie par une reaction de participation du groupe aryle (A1-3) qui conduit au bris du lien ether P-aryle et a la formation du derive stilbene correspondant. Quand on utilise le resorcinol comme partenaire de la rCaction, la condensation est aussi suivie par une coupure du lien ether a-aryle par un autre type de reaction de participation de groupe voisin impliquant I'anion phenolate ortho par rapport au site de condensation et donnant lieu au dCrivC arylcoumarane correspondant.On discute des consCquences de ces resultats pour les processus de delignification alcaline.
[Traduit par le journal]Numerous studies on the alkaline condensation of lignins have shown that the benzylic position in phenolic units constitutes the main site of reaction in this complex process (1-6). In most of these studies, model compounds of the phydroxybenzyl alcohol type were reacted with simple phenols and the resulting diarylmethanes were isolated. The condensation reaction was formulated as a nucleophilic addition of an ortho-or para-cyclohexadienone carbanion to the appropriate para-quinonemethide, followed by proton or side-chain elimination with rearomatization (7). Results from studies using model compounds of the y-hydroxyaryl coumaran (8) and P-arylglycerol (9) types indicated that this conjugate addition reaction is not prevented by the presence of an aryi or an aroxy group in the adjacent P-position (cf. also condensations in acidic media (10)). Thus, carbanions formed from phenolic lignin structures compete, in fact, with the other nucleophiles present in the pulping liquor (SH-, OH-ions) ...