Break-up and recombination processes for loosely-bound molecules composed of atoms with a large scattering length a necessarily involve interactions that are nonperturbative in the exact 2-body interaction. If these processes involve atoms with relative momenta much larger thanh/|a|, the leading contributions to their rates can be separated into short-distance factors that are insensitive to a and long-distance factors that are insensitive to the range of the interaction. These factorization contributions can be obtained from the leading term in a perturbation expansion in the exact atomatom scattering amplitude. The short-distance factors are atom-atom cross sections at a lower collision energy. In the special case of inclusive break-up cross sections for atom-molecule scattering, the long-distance factors simply count the number of atoms in the molecule. 12.38.Bx, 13.20.Gd, 14.40.Gx Nonrelativistic particles with short-range interactions that have been tuned, either by the experimenter or fortuitously by nature, so that their S-wave scattering length a is much larger than the range, have universal low-energy properties that depend on a but are otherwise insensitive to their interactions at short distances. (See Ref.[1] and references therein.) If the particles form loosely-bound 2-body or higher N -body clusters whose sizes are comparable to |a|, the clusters also have universal properties. A classic example in atomic physics is 4 He atoms whose scattering length a ≈ 100Å is much larger than their effective range r s ≈ 7Å. The 4 He dimer and the excited state of the 4 He trimer both have sizes comparable to a. A classic example in nuclear physics is nucleons. The deuteron is a bound state of the neutron and proton associated with a large scattering length in the spin-triplet channel.The large scattering length implies that interactions between atoms whose relative momenta are comparable toh/|a| are nonperturbative in the 2-body scattering amplitude. A simple consequence of these strong interactions with a > 0 is the existence of a loosely-bound dimer whose binding energy is given byIn some cases (for example, identical bosons), the strong interactions produce the Efimov effect: as a → ±∞, there are increasingly many loosely-bound trimers with an accumulation point at the 3-atom threshold [2]. In the limit a = ±∞, the trimers have an asymptotically exponential spectrum:where s 0 is a numerical constant whose value for identical bosons is 1.00624, n * is an arbitrary integer, and κ * is a 3-body parameter [1]. The strong interactions can also lead to intricate dependence on the scattering length a. An example in the case of identical bosons is the event rate constant in the low-energy limit for 3-body recombination into the loosely-bound dimer:(3) The log-periodic dependence on a in Eq. (3) was discovered in Refs. [3]. The completely analytic expression was derived more recently by Petrov [4]. The coefficient of ha 4 /m on the right side of Eq. (3) can range from 0 to 402.7 depending on the value of the 3-bo...