This paper shows the brand concept process for IT sector of a University.The aim was to project the position of the brand from the semiotics' levels -pragmatic, semantic and syntactic. It was observed each level as phases of brand concept process. So, the pragmatic level joined the management aspects of the organization, as the market trends and business strategies; the semantic level involved the signification side of the target people, applying qualitative methods and tools for generating inspirations according to their expectations and needs. Finally, the objective and subjective data were changed into tangible information, in other words, in the gestalt form of the brand. It was observed that the method allowed more understanding about the project scope, through the structural axis of the concept, that integrating both the business as human needs, to establish brand decisions, both as aesthetics, as strategically. According to the author's way, Drucker (2006) In this sense, Taurion says that IT must be understood as a strategic item of an organization, but is often seen as an operational arm.
KeyThus, the company owners are unaware of the IT role and for this reason they understand it as something that is "very expensive, but necessary so that the business can work", demonstrating lack of knowledge about the strategic position and the delivering value that IT can provide. Within this context, the question is: how can IT establish a coherent organizational culture with these trends and then resound it to its partners and consumers?
DESIGN AS BUSINESS STRATEGYIn view of this challenge, the design is included as an activity which, similar to IT, it operates strategically for the business and can serve as a response to a changing technological scenario aiming at the innovation. ForHeskett (1997( , cited by Nojimoto, 2009, the design can be understood as "a process of creation, invention and definition separated from the production means". Thus, the design produces a previous thought that will pervade the process, which presupposes a strategic planning in relation to what will be developed. Landim (2010) points out that, currently, the design role is constantly improving and evolving. If at its emergence in the early twentieth century, the design was limited to the graphic and artifacts production, the macroeconomic changes in the world have required from it new demands, especially when observing the technology user. For Vianna Vianna, Adler, Lucena and Russo (2011), the design has assumed a strategic role in the organizations as the way of thinking, previously used only in the designers' creative process, has begun to be adopted by company managers. This designer's way of thinking would be the abductive reasoning, which, unlike inductive (logical, rational, Cartesian), sees the phenomenon -brand, product or service -as from several strategic angles, covering not only the corporate environment but also the target audience behavior. According to Mozota (2006), the design in an organization should be inser...