The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of rigid second phases on grain growth of a matrix phase. For this purpose, variable mixtures of norcamphor as the matrix phase, with glass beads (0.08-0.51 volume fraction) as second phase, were used to perform see-through rock-analogue experiments under static conditions at constant temperatures (50°C). Irrespective of the second-phase content, grain-size evolution of all mixtures can be subdivided into a stage of continuous grain growth, a transient stage and a stage of a finally stabilized grain size. On the grain-scale, the second phases affect the migrating grain boundaries either by pinning by single particles, by multiple particles or even by particle clusters. Summed up over the entire aggregate, these pinning regimes affect the average bulk grain size of the matrix grains, such that the changes in matrix grain size directly correlate with the amount of second phases, their dispersion and their degree of clustering. In this way, the matrix grain size decreases with increasing second-phase content, which can be expressed as a Zener relationship. Originating from the modification of an ordinary grain growth law, a new mathematical expression is defined, which allows the calculation of changes in the matrix grain size as a function of different second-phase volume fractions and particle sizes. Such models will be helpful in the future to predict microstructural changes in polymineralic rocks at depth.