Summary:The values for flow and rate constants for a kinetic model of [99mTc]-hexamethylpropyleneamine ox ime (HM-PAO) distribution in the human brain were de termined. The single-pass extraction ratio of HM-PAO was also determined in the rat brain by the indicator dif fusion method; a value of 0.90 ± 0.02 (mean ± SEM, n = 5) was obtained. Time course data of brain activity and arterial blood activity of the tracer were fitted to a four compartment model: Values of blood flow and the first order rate constants for backdiffusion of the diffusible tracer from brain to blood (k2), conversion of the li pophilic tracer to the hydrophilic one in brain (k3), and conversion of the diffusible tracer to the nondiffusible one in blood (ks) were determined. Conversion of hydrophilic tracer back to a lipophilic form in both blood and brain was assumed to be negligible during the course of the this poor contrast, we describe here the direct de termination of cerebral blood flow values in the hu man brain along with the rate constants for a kinetic model describing the in vivo distribution of HM PAO as presented by Lassen et aI. (1987a).
THEORYThe model for quantitating cerebral blood flow using HM-PAO that is examined in this study is shown in Fig. 1 (Lassen et aI. , 1987a). In this model, the first compartment is the diffusible tracer in the arterial blood at concentration CaD and the second compartment is the nondiffusible tracer that is trapped in the blood (Sharp et aI. , 1986; Matsuda et aI. , 1987 Matsuda et aI. , , 1988 Neirinckx et aI. , 1987a Neirinckx et aI. , , 1987b) at concentration CaNDo The third compartment is the lipophilic diffusible tracer inside the brain tissue at concentration CbD and the fourth compartment is