We report a surprising hysteretic behavior in the dynamics of a simple one-dimensional nonlinear model inspired by the tribological problem of two sliding surfaces with a thin solid lubricant layer in between. In particular, we consider the frictional dynamics of a harmonic chain confined between two rigid incommensurate substrates which slide with a fixed relative velocity. This system was previously found, by explicit solution of the equations of motion, to possess plateaus in parameter space exhibiting a remarkable quantization of the chain center-of-mass velocity (dynamic pinning) solely determined by the interface incommensurability. Starting now from this quantized sliding state, in the underdamped regime of motion and in analogy to what ordinarily happens for static friction, the dynamics exhibits a large hysteresis under the action of an additional external driving force F ext . A critical threshold value F c of the adiabatically applied force F ext is required in order to alter the robust dynamics of the plateau attractor. When the applied force is decreased and removed, the system can jump to intermediate sliding regimes (a sort of "dynamic" stick-slip motion) and eventually returns to the quantized sliding state at a much lower value of F ext . On the contrary no hysteretic behavior is observed as a function of the external driving velocity.