True food allergy is less prevalent than common ly perceived. Up to 34% of individuals or parents think that they or a family member has a food allergy and 22% avoid particular foods because the food may possibly contain an allergen. However, only 1 6% of persons test positive on full evaluation, which may include doubleblind placebocontrolled food challenges. [14] Epidemiology of IgEmediated food allergyThe prevalence of food allergy varies significantly based on geographical region, allergens tested, diagnostic criteria, population age and concurrent atopic conditions.[5] Variations in food allergy definitions and inconsistencies in study design make studies on food allergy prevalence difficult to compare. Self reporting significantly overestimates food allergy prevalence up to 10fold; [4] hence, objective measurements are necessary to establish a true food allergy diagnosis. Similarly, sensitisation to foods is much higher than clinically relevant allergies; therefore, sensitisation should always be combined with more objective information to prove allergies. Food challenge testing is the optimal way of proving food allergy, albeit labour and cost intensive. Recent large populationbased studies, such as the EuroPrevall study in Europe [6] and HealthNuts study in Australia, [7] have used food challenge testing and can be considered flagship studies of food allergy prevalence.
Prevalence of food allergyDespite the large number of foods that can cause immunoglobulin E (IgE)mediated reactions, most prevalence studies have focused on the most common allergenic foods, i.e. cow's milk, hen's egg, peanut, tree nut, wheat, soya, fish and shellfish. [8] Food allergy peaks during the first two years of life, and then diminishes towards late childhood as tolerance to several foods develops over time. Based on metaanalyses and large populationbased studies, the true prevalence of food allergy varies from 1% to >10%, depending on the geographical area and age of the patient.[919] Allergy prevalence to the most common allergenic foods is summarised in Table 1. The prevalence of food allergy in South Africa (SA) is currently being studied. An unselected population of 211 Xhosa highschool students showed an overall sensitisation to foods of 5%. [20,21] Preliminary data from the South African Food Sensitisation and Food Allergy (SAFFA) study, [22] which is investigating food allergy in an unselected cohort of 1 3yearolds, show a prevalence of skin prick tests of ≥1 mm (11.6%), ≥3 mm (9.9%) and ≥7 mm (4.2%) to all foods tested. Challengeproven food allergy to any food is 1.8% after the preliminary analysis; recruitment is ongoing. Correspondence to : C Gray ( Despite the large number of foods that may cause immunoglobulin E (IgE)mediated reactions, most prevalence studies have focused on the most common allergenic foods, i.e. cow's milk, hen's egg, peanut, tree nut, wheat, soya, fish and shellfish.
Epidemiology of IgEFood allergy peaks during the first two years of life, and then dim...