It is shown that amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-C:H) band-gap-modulated superlattices can be observed by transmission electron microscopy.The layering proves to be well defined and it is demonstrated that changes in the band gap from 1.5 to 2.8 eV cannot be associated with ordered graphitic regions, in that crystalline regions larger than 0.5 nm are not observed. Differences in the amount of~bonding are found to lead to changes in the average atomic scattering factor. It is suggested that the changes in~bonding are associated with changes in local ordering that control the band gap. PACS numbers: 68.65.+g, 61.14. -x, 61.16.Bg, 61.43.Dq Superlattice structures consisting of alternate layers of lattice-matched crystalline materials with different band gaps are known to exhibit a variety of interesting and important quantum mechanical effects for sufficiently small layer widths [1]. Abeles and Tiedje [2] have shown that related effects can be observed in superlattices consisting of pairs of amorphous materials such as a-Si:H/a-SiN:H. All of the band-gap-modulated superlattices of this class that have been studied to date have been heterogeneous systems in the sense that the high and low band-gap layers have been made of amorphous materials with substantially different chemical compositions. Hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H) films made by RF plasma decomposition of low pressure hydrocarbon gases contain a mixture of tetrahedral (sps), trigonal (sp ), and linear (sp') carbon bonding, as well as a significant fraction of incorporated hydrogen. The mechanical, optical, and electrical properties of these films can vary considerably depending on the deposition conditions [3]. In particular, the Tauc optical band gap [4] can be varied over the surprisingly large range of 1.2 to 4 eV simply by changing the power of the RF excitation [5]. This enables band-gap-modulated superlattice structures to be fabricated by sequentially depositing high and low band-gap a-C:H layers [6-8]. Since the alternate layers are both a-C:H, these superlattices are unusual in that the large band-gap modulation is obtained for a minimal change in the hydrogen content for the high density films examined here. Competing explanations of the origin of the large band-gap variation in such a material include significant changes in C-C or C-H bonding configurations [9], changes in the size of graphitic clusters [9], and changes in the distortion of ring structures [10]. In this Letter, transmission electron microscope (TEM) techniques are used to characterize the structure of a-C:H band-gap-modulated superlattices. The layers differ in their H contents by only 3 at. %. It is shown that the superlattice can be imaged using the Fresnel contrast caused by small changes in density and bonding. Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and dark field TEM observations are used to characterize the valence electron density, bonding type, and structure. The relationship between the optical band gap and the structure of high density a-C:H films is discussed i...